This artwork is from a concept art of a character skin by DHK on Artstation. I adapted the turtleneck cloak to his design and made him bare underneath it, originally he wore a sweater behind it but I had to remove it for realistic sense since it would probably slow him down; considering he is an agile hunter, he needs to be very light weight. I also took inspiration of the cape behind the design, wanting him to have some sort of 'flowy' movement while moving about to depict his character as this quick striking entity that could hunt at anytime.


    The idea of giving him dual crossbows came from Valla(DIABLO) who wielded the same weapons, but I wanted Bonesmith to be able to own his with precision and speed so I made them attached onto his wrists instead, this then took inspiration from Skye(PALADINS) where her crossbow machines are equipped around her arms, Bonesmith's throwing daggers were from Kiriko(OVERWATCH), able to rapidly dish out blades with precision while on the move, though I didn't include any spirit animal or anything, animals aren't really Bonesmith's thing.


    Bonesmith's WITHERING FOCUS came from Sylvanas'(WoW) WITHERING FIRE where her shots land on a target in quick succession, I gave it a little spin that Bonesmith would alternate from crossbow to throwing daggers after every shot. His DRAGGING DAGGER would be based off Junkerqueen(OVERWATCH) where she could pull enemies towards her if they were marked by her dagger. Bonesmith's AGILE REBOUND took inspiration from Marci's(DOTA2) REBOUND ability, where she would use an ally to holster herself up and land on an area, but instead of allies you would be able to use other enemies as stepping stones. Lastly, his passive was also taken from Leoric(DIABLO) in his HOTS arsenal where if he died, he would turn into a spirit instead, however the only difference is that Bonesmith cannot cast abilities in his spirit form like Leoric would be able to.


    Bonesmith was one of my Phighting OCs where I put actual dedication to(considering I made this whole site for him), he was also the first Phighting OC I made where I incorporated more grotesque abilities and a complex background to give me a chance on worldbuilding him further and further. While his 'in-game abilities' may seem like average kits, his abilities in lore would drift a bit more towards the grim path.

    Bonesmith would be able to poke his bones out of his flesh if he could, and he used this to execute his preys in many unique ways; a warm embrace where his ribs puncture yours, or him rendering you useless as his ribs open and shred your alive, his ways of execution was something he found joy in, and I would always do my best in thinking of many more ways he could do this, as his manipulation to moving and weaponizing his bones can go further and so on, this leaves to many unique ways of him to hunt.

    I honestly just wanted a phighter who dwelled more on that demonic side in Phighting, and I hope to achieve the balance of that and the game's standards. When I first started conceptualizing him, Bonesmith was all about blood and whatnot, but it was too distasteful as I found him lacking personality and had no depth at all, his story with cheating death was what gave me a chance to manipulate him into something more than just a killer; not only he was that now, but he only gifts retribution to those who deserve it.